Websites Comparison

I’ve found the following 3 websites for comparison.

First, the National Geographic Kids, I find this website is very good as it teachers the kids about animals and places and our environment. Why did i say it is good? It is because, the website uses mostly pictures to attract the attention of their target audience, and they summarize the lengthy explanation into simple summary so that their target audience will not have trouble understanding the information.


Second,the Garden Of Praise, I find that this website is too lengthy with words. It would be good for teachers or parents to use it for preparation of religious classes but if we ask a child/kid to learn directly from the site, he or she will definitely face problems like, lose of interest as the website is flooded with words, very little pictures to catch their attention and they might face words or things that they hardly understand.


Third, the Chill Ola, I find this site very interesting as it teaches kids different language. Like the National Geographic, this site uses the same tactic of more pictures less words as pictures helps the kids to understand and learn better.


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